

In case you didn’t realize (I sure didn’t)… December begins this week. *enters panic mode*

It’s the frantic time of year where everyone realizes how quickly the previous year passed by (and also how they proooobably didn’t make it through any of their New Years resolutions) #guilty

Last year around this time, I remember having a pep talk with myself about NOT letting the holiday frenzy take away from the meaning of this season. It’s tough. There are parties and gifts and friends and food. There are ONE MILLION things to be done and somehow you end up with even less time to do it than during the “normal” part of the year. I pray that we can all find some stillness in the days and weeks ahead as we remember the greatest gift of all and the reason we gather to celebrate.

This holiday season, The Southern Rose team has adopted two families to spread holiday cheer and give back to. I’m not including this in this blog post for a “feel good” (because Matthew 6, duh). I am including this because I KNOW we have the BEST family and supporters at The Southern Rose and wanted EVERYONE to have an opportunity to help us give back in our community. Anything beyond what we collect for our two families will be donated to the Voluntary Action Center for their use in the Columbia community. If you wish to donate, please bring your items to the shop between now and December 6th.

General Household Items needed: soap, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, deodorant, toilet paper, pillows, cake pans, baking sheets, pots/pans, potholders, and blankets. We’ve got a young man that REALLY wants a blue or green bike so if you have one that you no longer use, we would love to re-gift it for you!

Happy Holidays, everyone!!