
It's halftime of a really, really big game. I know we win, which is kind of fun, but I must admit, I'm really hoping this last half goes by slowly.

I absolutely cannot wait to snuggle our little man in February. It's true - I think about it nearly all day, every single day. We've prayed for this little guy long before he came to be and are so thrilled that God blessed us with him. I know it sounds cliche, but it's already been the greatest experience of my life and he isn't even here yet.

I'm going to be honest though - I've got doubts and fears and anxieties about this new world we're entering.

I have known Tyler for approximately 965 days. They've been awesome. Really, really awesome. But, just as much as they've been awesome, they've been FAST. We've traveled a TON, spent time doing what we love, and grown so much together in our faith. We keep thinking maybe we'll get tired of spending so much time together... but we just have too much fun hanging out. I'm lucky to be on this ride with him and I'm oh so thankful God crossed our paths.

Friends, I'm here to tell you that I'm straight-up nervous to let go of "just us" and enter in this new realm of "the three of us." (And yes, I know as soon as I hold the Knugget this will all disappear quickly). I'd just be lying to you if I said I wasn't praying these next twenty weeks pass slowly so I can embrace just a little bit more time with just Tyler (and Mollie).

And so, being the millenials that we are, we book a babymoon. We're headed to Eureka Springs for an extended weekend getaway + I think it's just what the doctor ordered.

I just have to know, are there any other new mamas feeling this way about time/life with their spouse? Any moms want to tell me it will all be okay?!