
Woah, time is moving fast. I think I say that just about every time I sit down to type up a blog post and realize it’s been weeks/months since my previous post. But really, time is flying.

We are a mere 7 weeks away (or less) from meeting our little guy. Yep, only 48 days. I loved the pre-Christmas time of pregnancy because I kept having the excuse of “I’ll be able to prepare more for him / maternity leave after Christmas.” And now here we are…”after-Christmas” is here and I’m frantically counting sleepers and socks and making a list of things to be done at our house and at the shop before he arrives. Ah, nesting? Maybe.

I must admit, I am scared of this change and selfishly not quite sure I will ever be prepared for all that it entails. It’ll be one of the biggest changes in my life and one that will most certainly affect my work-life balance (Wait, work-life balance? What is that? Isn’t it all the same when you own a business?).

But really, I have loved every aspect of owning my own business (even the 12+ hour work days with swollen feet during Christmas while 32-weeks pregnant…). From Wild Rose in my parent’s basement to expanding to a storefront, it’s been a dream career and one I wouldn’t change for the world. I pour a lot of time into developing and improving the business, product development, and so much more…and now, well, I’m afraid I will struggle with dividing my attention between my two babies. You see, I really don’t want to think about TSR for a bit. I want to focus on my family and our sweet, sweet gift. But, being the realistic business owner that I am, I know I will also really struggle with turning that part of my brain off (no matter how well-prepared my team is for my absence). So, if you will, please pray for me to let go and enjoy the time that will pass far too quickly in his first few weeks. Pray also for strength in navigating what this new life will look like and embracing the beautiful change we’re about to face.

And please, come and see the gals at the shop while I am away (maternity leave begins February 15…unless he decides to come sooner) ! If you’re lucky, you might even bump into a brand-new-mama with her shop baby wrapped on her “working” even when she isn’t supposed to be.