What's In a Name?

Well.... if you're reading this - we (The Knierims) are officially a family of FOUR (five if you count dog children)! 

It feels weird to be writing this knowing she could arrive *any minute* and life as I know it will pivot just a bit. I wanted to have a blog ready to go explaining her name that truly means so much to us and our families. We knew she would be a special addition (aren't they all?!) and really wanted a name that would capture that for us and the people we love so much. Enjoy! 


We've had our girl name picked out since the early days of our marriage just dreaming of children. The name 'Kramer' is Tyler's maternal surname. We absolutely adore his grandparents (William and Maryann Kramer) and have always wanted to use their last name for our first daughter. After doing some research on the meaning of the name, we also discovered that 'Kramer' means 'traveling merchant' or 'shopkeeper.' Seemed pretty fitting to us! 

Maybe I WILL get to retire one day afterall....

The name 'Rae' is also a family name for my family (and also Tyler's Grandpa)!

Grandpa: Thomas Ray Gentges | Grandma: Sharon Rae Gentges | Aunt: Karla Rae Gentges | 

Sister: Morgan Rae Bowden | Cousin: Hannah Rae Moeller | Cousin: Joseph Ray Schaefer 

Tyler's Grandpa is William Raymond Kramer. 

I'm sure many people thought the 'R' would stand for Rose. One day, I would love to pass that middle name along as well (it's in both of our families) but we'll see how many kids we mutually decide on after surviving this transition! ;) 

Thanks for reading along to learn more about this sweet girl's name. Now, the countdown is truly on.... ;)