In This Season

In This Season

MacKenzie Knierim on Jun 18th 2019

I’ve often heard about “seasons of life” from the inspiring women around me — Mastermind group, I’m looking at you! I feel like I’ve embraced every “season” of life I’ve experienced so far, but this one has undoubtedly been the toughest (and best!) adjustment. I’ve learned a lot about myself, love, and grace in the roughly 4.5 months of being a mother. I’ve cried more than ever but also smiled more than ever before – and truly, I’m the happiest I’ve ever been. I’ve experienced some pretty “low” days and then been absolutely blown away by the days that were amazing to balance them out – such a whirlwind of emotions!

So, here’s a list of what I’m embracing in this season of life. What about you? What season of life are you in?

In This Season…

  • I am giving myself more grace to make mistakes…and hopefully learn from them.
  • I am accepting and embracing change.
  • I am holding the tribe of people that have supported me in this transition closer.
  • I am clinging to my faith and embracing that God is leading me in this motherhood journey every day.
  • I am letting go of negativity and finding the good in every day.
  • I am connecting to other women in the same season of life.
  • I am praying daily to be the best mama to Knox that I can possibly be.
  • I am loving on my boys and spending as much time with them as I possibly can.
  • I am saying ‘no’ to things that aren’t my Best Yes (If you haven’t read that book by Lysa Terkeurst, you need to!)
  • I am leaving things in the past that don’t have a place in this season.
  • I am working on loving myself and remembering that I am enough.

“But he said to me, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me,” (2 Corinthians 12:9)