
New Adventures

MacKenzie Knierim on Oct 25th 2017

You could say 2017 has been full of a few “new adventures” but you know what…. I’ve loved every single one of them. Change and growth is inevitable and quite frankly, life would be boring without it.

Tyler and I got married in June (favorite adventure yet) and shortly after, we adopted a chocolate lab, Mollie. I had begged for a puppy for months (and even snuck it into Tyler’s vows) but we couldn’t have been luckier to get our girl… our two-year-old, docile, overweight, not-snuggly, kinda-sassy, girl. I’ll probably blog about her more later because who doesn’t love a dog blog….?

The latter half of this year has been spent adjusting to a new adventure running The Southern Rose on my own. It’s been a bittersweet journey, that’s for sure. God has a plan and I am learning daily to trust in Him and His will for my life. Not always easy, but most definitely always worth it.

With that, I have decided to begin yet ANOTHER new adventure…..


The Southern Rose is FINALLY online! Yep, you heard it, folks. We have a website that has actual products you can actually buy from right there at home in your pajamas. This could be dangerous for some of my out of state friends!

Go ahead, check it out here:

Shameless plug: If you know my husband, please please please tell him how amazing the website looks! If you haven’t seen us in a few months, that’s because we were just a liiiiittle busy making this! We’ll be back out of hiding soon!


To Tyler: I can’t thank you enough for your tireless work making my dreams come true and believing in me even when I didn’t believe in myself. I hit the jackpot when I got you. I won’t get *super* mushy but know you’ve made me the luckiest.

To My Family: Thank you for the FREE labor, the prayers, the words of encouragement, and just being you. I can’t imagine not having you guys along for this incredible journey!!

To My Friends: You know who you are. Thank you for loving me on days where I wasn’t loveable, understanding when I just couldn’t make it to hang out, and pushing me to be the very best version of myself.

I love you all!

Now… The Southern Rose 2.0. LET’S DO THIS!

